Cadet Activities
Many activities happen throughout each year - This page helps to highlight opportunities our cadets can take advantage of to further their cadet education, Serve the local community, and just have fun!!
Ongoing updates are made to the Cadet Opportunities briefing to find out more about what is happening around the Wing, Region and national opportunities GO TO CAP OPPORTUNITIES BRIEFING HERE
Open Now - 1 March - Applications are open for Cascade Falcon Cadet Cadre. If you have a basic encampment completed and are currently a C/SSgt or above, you can come have fun on the Cadre in many support roles or line staff roles. More information is at: (Look at announcements from 2 Feb)
15 Feb - Orientation Rides at Pearson, Plan on being available and watch for an email that will give you the link to sign up for all the slots you can be available. Once we have all the inputs we will let you know which time you are slotted to fly.
22 Feb - Clark County Emergency Services exercise. We have been asked to come and help the County with this exercise in disaster response. No rank or special training needed. Please just sign up on the signup sheet that will be at the front door table when you walk into the Pearson Education Center.
1 March - The Cadet Encampment Assistance Program (CEAP) is a scholarship from CAP Headquarters that you can apply to pay for your summer encampment and more funds for uniforms as well. You need to go into eServices > Menu > Cadet Programs > Cadet Encampment Assistance Program on 1 March to ask for the scholarship. It will ask you which encampment you want the funds to go to if you are chosen for the scholarship. The Encampment you will later need to apply to is the Washington Wing, Cascade Falcon Encampment (29June-6July). Pick this one when asked in the scholarship application.
1 March - Fort Vancouver Composite Squadron Annual Awards potluck banquet. This event is at 4607 NE Saint James Road , Vancouver, WA on 1 March starting at 5:30. We would love to have all Cadets and Family of Cadets attend our annual awards to enjoy each other's company in a semi formal, Blues uniform event to recognize the hard working Cadets and Volunteer Senior Members. The sign up for this event in in eServices at: We are asking that you make this a priority to attend with your parents/guardians. So please get registered for this and come celebrate the success of your wingmen!
1 April - Apply to attend the Washington Wing, Cascade Falcon Encampment (29June-6July) - This is the basic encampment I told you about when you first joined CAP. If you do not have this done yet, you need to plan to attend. You can pay for it with the funds from CEAP if you applied for the funds and were notified that you were awarded CEAP funding. Go to the Cascade Falcon XXVIII Website for more information about applying and for using CEAP scholarship to pay for it. Check here for updates Advanced Training Squadron slots will be available as well as cadet Cadre slots will open very soon. This is a premier event to advance your training as a leader if you have already attended your basic encampment. Please consider taking your experiences to the next step!
4-6 April - Washington Wing Conference, We will provide a CAP Van for transportation to this fun event in Yakima Wa. Cadets will have breakouts specifically for cadets for training, learning about activities, getting to know cadets from the 23 CAP squadrons from around Washington State. The details are in planning now and registration for this will open soon. We will notify you all when it opens. The website with more information is: Check here for updates
11-13 April - Basic Marksmanship Encampment - already we have filled 8 slots and will be taking cadets in the CAP van, up to centralia to meet with the Lewis County CAP squadron.
The Washington All Missions Academy operates the second weekend of Sept - June. We provide a Van for this as well, that leaves Vancouver at 1200 on Friday and returns to Vancouver at approximately 7:00 pm on Sunday. The cost for this weekend of cadet fun training in Aerospace, Cadet Programs topics and Emergency Services, is $50.00 which includes Food, Transportation, and lodging for our cadets. For information on each month and registration go to the website: